When: Dec 21, 2021 10:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Please set up your Nidra Nest with the following props, in a quiet place prior to the session:
+ pillow to support head
+ pillow to place under the knees
+ blankets
+ soft towel to cover the eyes
Yoga Nidra (conscious deep sleep) is both the altered state of consciousness as well as the system of relaxation techniques that leads to it. Restorative for the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, with the potential to rewire neural pathways that foster living from a more equanimous place. The practice reveals itself through consistency.
Nidra means "sleep" but "Yoga Nidra" means "one-pointed or unified sleep": to rest at the edge of sleep after throwing off the burdens. With practice, the body falls asleep while consciousness remains tethered to awareness just enough to bear witness to the experience. Deeply relaxing and restorative, this blissful practice benefits all systems.
Expect to spend 25-30 min reclined on your back in supported Savasana as Katherine guides you through the Koshas, or sheaths (layers) of the body.