as of March 16, this class will be offered online only via Zoom until we are allowed to teach public classes in Berlin.
What do you need to do?
• download the Zoom App:
• book your place using USC/Fitogram/Classpass (as usual)
• follow the Zoom Meeting link (sent via email to registered participants 30mins prior to start time)
• set up your practice space with a mat & blanket (or practice in bed), eye pillow or something lightweight to cover the eyes with; set devices to Silent and get cozy
discover the power and explore the potential of Yogic Sleep, conscious deep rest—an ancient relaxation technique with a systematic approach to guide the physical body into sleep while working to keep a part of the mind aware.
The Friday Power Nap class will include Heart Tapping (Thymus Gland stimulation) at the beginning, as well as alternate-nostril breath (nadi shodhana) at the end to rebalance yin & yang energies.
The rest of class is dedicated to Yoga Nidra, practiced while lying comfortably on your back in supported Savasana (corpse pose) or on your side. highly accessible and appropriate for anyone in need of a reset, an effective sleep aid technique, or a caffeine-free sugar-free alternative for that midday “pick me up.” 30 min of Yoga Nidra is said to be as potent as 2 hours of restful deep sleep.
Yoga Nidra replenishes the body and mind with a natural surge of energy and boosts the immune system, as the brain waves slip out of beta and oscillate between alpha, theta, and with practice, delta. this practice’s potential is limitless however, and can go as deep as the practitioner is open & willing to go, as this is can also be a rewiring of neural pathways in the brain:
tapping into intuition;
receiving creative insight;
and reprogramming hardwired habits, thought patterns, and limiting belief systems are all possible when resting in this highly receptive state.
if you’re curious, come with an open mind and let the experience speak for itself. book your spot here:
**please arrive at least 5 min before class, as we begin promptly at 13:30**
mats, blankets, eye pillows are provided.
dress in warm, comfortable layers.
avoid caffeine the morning of, if possible.
pen + paper or journal always welcome :)